Toad Town

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Toad Town Empty Toad Town

Post by whitetiger8842 1/19/2019, 7:10 pm

Minecraft username: WhiteTiger884

Proposed name of warp: /warp toadtown or just /warp toad

Coordinates of warp with no commas or other characters (E.g. "-1248 68 345"): -3244 69 8608

Why do you deserve a warp?: It'd be helpful to have a warp so that as more of my friends start joining, they can just zoom right to the town and get started! I always feel bad having to ask for teleports haha. Plus this will be my first official town after almost a decade of playing on this server, and that'll be a great milestone!!!

If your warp will be for a town, how developed is the skeleton of the town? Is it ready to be inhabited?: The skeleton is really, really vague. I didn't really want to put plots or anything, cause I don't want to limit building, so anyone can build their home just about anywhere and I'll connect it to the framework! It's super ready to be inhabited and I'm excited to watch it grow :-)
Tree Puncher
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Toad Town Empty Re: Toad Town

Post by Revilo410 2/2/2019, 4:31 pm

Hey, loving the skeleton of the town so far, I think its going to shape up to be a really nice area :)

But.... I can't accept this warp right away because there is currently no "warp area". What I mean by that is there isn't a specific location for players to warp in with a rules board etc, or just a general welcome message. I know theres a sign saying the town hall will be built there soon, but I can't accept the warp until there is "somewhere" for players to actually warp to so that they arent just in the middle of a random patch of grass.

As soon as you've sorted that out, then just reply to this thread and I will be more than happy to come set the warp.

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